Common Noun Mistakes in English

Let’s learn about some common noun mistakes in English. By avoiding these mistakes, you can significantly improve your writing.

A quick reminder: a noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing. For example: man, Alice, Sweden, box, and cat are nouns.

1 These Nouns Have No Plural Form

Many nouns in English cannot be counted, and so do not have a plural form. For example, surprisingly, you cannot count “money”. (You can count coins and papers, but we do not say “1 money, 2 money, 3 money”, right?) Therefore, money is an uncountable noun, and it has no plural form. We cannot say “moneys”.

There are many uncountable nouns in English. Let’s look at some correct and incorrect examples:

INCORRECT: We need more moneys.

CORRECT: We need more money.

Why: “money” is an uncountable noun. We cannot say “moneys”.

INCORRECT: The house has new furnitures.

CORRECT: The house has new furniture.

Why: “furniture” is an uncountable noun. We cannot say “furnitures”.

INCORRECT: These documents contain personal informations.

CORRECT: These documents contain personal information.

Why: “information” is an uncountable noun. We cannot say “informations”.

Part 1: Test Your Understanding

2 It Seems Plural But It Is Actually Singular

The word “news” is uncountable. It seems plural, because it has an S at the end. But since we cannot count it (cannot say “1 news, 2 news, 3 news”), it is actually singular.

INCORRECT: The news spread so fast.

CORRECT: The news spreads so fast.

Why: “news” is an uncountable noun. This means it is singular, and we use it with a singular verb.

INCORRECT: Physics are my favorite subject.

CORRECT: Physics is my favorite subject.

Why: “physics” is an uncountable noun. This means it is singular, and we use it with a singular verb.

INCORRECT: Billiards require skill and accuracy.

CORRECT: Billiards requires skill and accuracy.

Why: “billiards” is an uncountable noun. This means it is singular, and we use it with a singular verb.

Part 2: Test Your Understanding

3 It May Seem Singular But It Is Actually Plural

Some nouns in English only have a plural form. This means that we cannot use them as singular nouns.

Examples: pants, jeans, scissors, clothes, pajamas, headphones

INCORRECT: Jane’s new pants is black.

CORRECT: Jane’s new pants are black.

Why: “pants” is a plural noun, so we should use it with a plural verb.

INCORRECT: I need a new pajamas.

CORRECT: I need new pajamas.

Why: “pajamas” is a plural noun, so we do not put “a” in front of it.

INCORRECT: This headphones is not working.

CORRECT: These headphones are not working.

Why: “headphones” is a plural noun, so we should use it with words in the plural form.

Part 3: Test Your Understanding

End of Sample Lesson

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